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Can You Get a Job if You Draw Nsfew

The quickest way to get into nsfw is starting with a circle. Build it out into a nice wholesome person. You want to make it a real safe for work scene. Something you're mother would be proud of. Finally, once you've done that, add bobs, vagine, and/or a pair of dick and balls. Congratulations. You're now a nsfw artist.

Just a quick note, this is the first post I've written with video in mind rather than just a straight to text piece. So if you want to see this article in its intended form I've left the video below. Subscribe to keep up with this sort of thing!

Before you get started down your dark path first decide how much self respect your have left. if the answer is "none" then congratulations you're qualified for this job.

The next thing you need to ask yourself is whether you're in this for the money or the passion. There are plenty of super talented artists out there who can paint up a storm, but are demotivated to finish a commission after they've already gone and spent the money they've gotten for it. It gives the rest of us a bad look. I've heard these horror stories far to often from my commissioners. And I can understand it. If you've taken too long to finish a piece it can almost feel like you're doing it for free. So unless you want to fuck over a bunch of people make sure you have the passion and fortitude to stick to a contract.

Next point. Who in your family and friends is going to know about this and how will it effect your relationships when they find out. Because they will find out one way or another. You'll get confused about which discord server your in and then whoops grandma's seen a thousand tentacle dicks. She didn't survive world war II for this shit.

Top tip! If you need to be sketchy about reading this post because of the image below, imagine what it'd be like having to draw it!

Ok I think you've gotten all the wishy washy stuff out the way. I'm going to presume you have the tools and some talent for art at this point. Even a modicum of talent will do. If not, maybe hone your craft a bit more before trying to do it commercially.

Next, start up your socials. Personally I concentrate on furaffinity and Twitter. They have the best discoverability and are where the biggest audiences are. You could also try pixiv but be prepared to be confused completely by their censorship requirements.

Make sure you have a payment system in place. The standard option is paypal. Get familiar with sending invoices. Do some googling I'm not your mum.

Now, start the way you intend to continue, with a commission sheet. You never know when you might get a bite. Find artists who are on your skill level and use their prices as a baseline for where yours should be at. My last video was on when you should raise your prices, so feel free to save that video for later.

While you're making your com sheet this might be a good time to list any kinks you're opposed to doing. Personally I don't guarantee or charge for backgrounds purely because I hate them. Snuff, totally fine, a nice pleasant apartment? Woah woah woah, are you fucking sick??

After you've pinned your com sheet onto all your profile join a nsfw discord server. If you find a decent one they'll have a section where people can self promo and commissioners can put out seeker ads. Try and find one that matches the kinks you're personally into. This can be a good way to get up and started when you have little to no following.

Pretty much the rest of this needs to be a gigantic tutorial on self promotion, which is an entire video in itself. Essentially, be prepared to crank out a ton of art to get people familiar with your style, your kinks, and your vibe. They won't give you money based on your commission sheet alone. You might be surprised to hear this but drawing a single nipple isn't enough to net you 10k followers. I drew solidly for a year on tumblr before it died and got 1k followers before I got my first commission. So steel yourself for some blood sweat and tears. You can do it!

Can You Get a Job if You Draw Nsfew
